Using the Cricut to Cut Contact Paper

My Cricut was given to me by my mother in law who already had a Cricut and was given another one by a client who did not want hers anymore.  So anyways, I have this Cricut and it would never cut right so I never used it.  Then years later I had this brilliant idea to change the blade.  Hello working Cricut.  Hello dumb Ashley.  DSC_0284I wanted to cut out vinyl letters but didn’t want to buy vinyl.  I used my $8 roll of black chalkboard paper (aka contact paper), taped it to my Cricut board and it worked!

I labeled our drink containers for outdoor entertaining…DSC_0294 I labeled my kitchen utensil holder (knock off something I saw at Target, holder bought at Target)…DSC_0301 DSC_0307 DSC_0308 And cut fancy chalkboard labels…DSC_0312 So if you have a Cricut, this is much more economical than buying vinyl…If you do not have a Cricut but have a great amount of patience, you could stencil something like this…

Buy the contact paper here.

Easy Taquitos


  1. I have a Silhouette, which is a similar machine. It never occurred to me to stick Contact paper in there! I'm too cheap to buy the vinyl. :)

  2. Love this idea and wish I had a Cricut... love what you can do with this great craft item!! Great work Ashley.... love your work!

  3. I want one SOOO bad! Just not it the budget, but I will have one someday and I will play all day long ;)
    Such great ideas!

  4. Ive had my Cricut for about 2 years and I have never wanted to buy the vinyl coz its too expensive. I went to a craft club the other night and someone paid $10 for 2 sheets of 12' x 24' vinyl...EEEK! I am so gonna get some contact paper! :) Thanks for the tip!

  5. Great tips!! I think I need to change out my blade too. It's not been cutting all the way through the paper.

    1. How did you tape the paper on the Cricut sheet? Just around the edges?
    2. Does the contact paper leave a sticky residue when you try to peel it off the item you adhered it to?

  6. what kind of tape did you use?

  7. *gasp* What a great idea! I don't have a circut but I can think of 20 different ways to make some new christmas gifts!!!! WooHoo!!!!
    Thanks for the link too!

  8. How cool! I don't have the fancy dancy electronic gizmo but I do have a hand crank one with a couple of sets of letters - the whole self adhesive world has totally opened up to me now. Thank you!! Such ideas to think about decorating! Thank you thank you!

  9. I've heard that sign shops are a great place to get vinyl... it's cheaper and sometimes they'll even give you their scraps for free! I've been meaning to try our sign shop to see what they would charge me. This is a great alternative!

  10. This is awesome! I didn't even know this existed! Thanks for sharing! :)

  11. This is so good to know. Thanks for the tip!

  12. Awesome! My sister-in-law has a cri-cut--can't wait to tell her about the new hot tip!

  13. officially hating you! (ok, maybe not) I so want one but that's just completely out of the question. Maybe I can survive one month without electicity? uhm...

  14. These are really great uses, Ashley! I had noticed the drinks container in your last post and thought it was really cute. Kelly
